What are you drinking, 2023…and 2024?

Salvador could also go in the “Movie Thread”, great but slightly depressing, next to The Killing Fields

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Had a fabulous 2018 Barbarresco with a perfectly grilled filet tonight.

I think it was the Rattlesnake Zin, I’m not sure. Mrs. Hawk just picked it and put it out for me to open. It went well with the goat cheese and figs with balsamic reduction. Chocolate mousse for dessert. And Sam Cooke on the hi-fi, of course.

Man, oh man. Glad you are feeling better and getting everything checked out. Be well, brother.

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Wow. Hang in there Sphinx. It’s always better to know and treat. It’s good to hear you are getting down the path to putting this behind you.

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Good reminder I need to drink more Barbaresco (and Piedmont in general). One of the true pleasures in life.

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So I gave my Reidel wine glasses a good soak with lots of Oxiclean. Whaddaya know, it really took the stains off. I’d tried it before, but I guess I didn’t let them soak long enough. They are crystal clear now, shiny as new.

Riedels, and most stemware in general, even handblown crystal, are particularly durable.

Unless you go full Vlad Putin and drop them out of an open window. So, feel free to chuck them in the dishwasher. Unless you tried that to unsatisfactory results?

I’ve tried, but the stains were pretty bad. There are some things we just never put in the dishwasher…the good china, the All-Clad cookware, the Wustoff knives, and the crystal. Always wash by hand. I know that’s probably being over protective.

This is all Mrs Hawk’s fault, as she’s bad about rinsing them and leaves the wine in overnight. At any rate…Oxiclean. Then a rinse with white vinegar, and a normal wash with soapy water. It did wonders.

I shall try that on my cloudy decanter.

Because I can’t drink anymore (especially liquor), I am using my grandfathers crystal decanter that each West Point graduate was given in 1936 for… mouthwash. :expressionless:


There is no part of me that enjoys reading that statement.

@austro Bleach is a handy option for decanters. It’s what Kara and I have used to great effect whenever one of ours has a persistent discoloration or stain. Obviously, give a damn good wash and rinse after!!!

Why the fuck can’t any bartender make a decent Manhattan these days. Weak as shit, I tells ya.

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At the Peabody tonight. Mine was strong but warm.

Peabody in Memphis?

A different bartender and this one is on fucking point. Excellent!


So on the jukebox is Big Audio Dynamite. Not exactly sipping Manhattans music, but outstanding nonetheless.


BAD is a highly overlooked band.

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Are you down at the Globe?

I was at No 10 Upping Street.

I tend to find Manhattans are either on point or fucking terrible whenever I order one. Very little middle ground. I usually my homemade rendition over the professionally delivered.