What are you drinking, 2023…and 2024?

So Dutton Ranch Goldfield wine…me like. Had their 2019 pinot noir last night.

What am I drinking? Absolutely nothing. I had to scale back drinking of anything really to maybe a beer or two every couple of weeks and then one (wheat beer only) per month because it triggers my multivessel coronary vasospasm. Now, i can’t even have a gulp or two before bad things happen. This makes me very sad.


Ugh, so sorry to hear that. So wine and spirits are completely out but a modest amount of beer is still ok?

It was for a while (2+ years). Now, even the occasional beer is no bueno. I’m pretty bummed.

Ugh, just ugh.

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Nice!! Dutton Goldfield (the producer, as I’m sure you already know) always makes pretty solid wines. Dutton Ranch (the vineyard) has a long list of serious Pinot noir producers as clients.

We had a Chardonnay from them a while back, and last night at the same spot, the wife says “what was that Dutton Ranch wine we had a while back?” I picked a different grape, but they were both excellent.

Having a Turley tonight, BTW

It turns the volume up on my tinnitus “to eleven”. This makes me sad also. I miss whiskey (whisky) and wine; beer, not so much.


Nice!! (on both counts)

Which Turley, btw? Hope it’s something worthy of the occasion and not made by those amateurs down in Paso or out in Amador.

I just went through a cardiac incident, something called a pericardial effusion, had to have the pericardial sac drained. I’ve completely dialed back on drinking at least until I find out what caused the almost 2 liters of fluid to build up. They had to defibrillate me. Fuck that shit.


Oh damn, man.

Good luck, get better.

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Fuck!! Glad you’re ok. That sounds terrible.

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Be careful. That sounds awful.

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I’m so sorry to hear. Events like that certainly have a way of focusing your attention.

I had a pretty uncomfortable 2 month period between ending up in the cardiac ICU and my cardiologist figuring out what was going on and trying various treatment protocols until we found one that worked. You are smart to ease up and go slow until you are at that point.

What did the defibrillator feel like? Is it as dramatic as what you see on TV?

Shit, man, that sounds awful. Glad you’re still upright.

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Turley 2019 Salvador zin with a NY strip steak with a Mexican-style (don’t tell the Republicans) peppercorn sauce tonight. It was great.

Yes. I was having rapid breathing/shortness of breath, my heartbeat was over 200 BPM, and I had super low blood pressure. Then the shock, which briefly hurt from head to toe as my body convulsed into a crescent. after which my heart and breathing returned to normal but I had high blood pressure. That was all before the CT scan and ultrasound to determine all the fluid build up in the pericardial sac - almost 6 pounds worth. They tested cancerous cells in the fluid, which are indicative of colon cancer. They scanned my abdomen and could see nothing, and no tumors found in the previous scans of my heart and lungs. Next test are an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, which I’m trying to have expedited. So I can start treatment. I’m hoping it’s just isolated to polyps which can be removed and followed up with chemo. I have been feeling kind of shitty since December, thought it was a bad sinus infection. The shit happened on the 4th of February.


Good luck, I hope you get the diagnosis right away and can “get ahead” of it with treatment. All the best…

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I’m glad you are on top of it and, even though this will sound strange, grateful that there was some symptom that is getting them to focus on the right things. Even though I’m sure it was quite uncomfortable. Please keep us posted so that we can come alongside you in our strange orangewhoopass ways, supporting you in the process.


Salvador. One of my favorite vineyards (planted in 1896 in beach like sand near the California Delta). Sadly, it was ripped out after the 2019 Harvest. Hope the wine showed well. That was the last vintage - and I do love your pairing. Salvador was also one of my favorite Zins to pair with salmon.

And @Col.SphinxDrummond - Jesus, mate. Glad to hear you’re ok!! Please take care of yourself. We need you around these parts.