Twins @ Astros, May 30, 2023

The latter

They have gotten orders of magnitude worse. And they have refused to hold themselves accountable to improve.

It’s exposing what’s always been the case. However, the bigger issue is Lane escalated the situation by confronting Pena, and then tossed Alex Cintron.

Tucker walks to load the bases, one out for Abreu

Just a point of clarification: the date is May 30, 2023.

I called over the 9 year old to confidently predict another Breggy Bomb based on the HH proclamation

But the single announcement preceded any comment so instead we talked about rum. And making good contact.

Glad you have your priorities.

Now would be a fine time for Jose Abreu’s first home run at MMP.

Abreu with a fly ball, caught at the wall, Alvarez scores on the sac fly. Missed an oppo slam by a foot.

Julks pops it up.

End of three
5-0 Astros

Abreu used all of his reach to get the barrel to that pitch.

Lewis with a leadoff double in the 5th
Twins first hit

Julks want exactly on the money with that throw.

Vazquez with a single to LF, Julks
holy shit what a noodle throw as Lewis scores.

Please don’t tell me that Julks’s arm is that bad.

5-1 Astros

I was going to say something mean about Gallo.

I’ll just say this: he’s a better example of what’s wrong with the game than the shift ever was.

Peña with a leadoff double

Great looking swing Jeremy

