Travel 2024

No Jet Lag is great and it works. Whole Foods or Amazon.

A shit ton of cognac works too.

Eternal Springsteen.

And in lieu of any long winded travel summary, let me just say the Sagrada Familia is probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen made by human hands.


My suggestion is homeopathic and has no hangover.

The size and scope can only truly be appreciated when standing next to it. Back in 1989 I got to go up really high inside one of the spires and take photographs of the city. It was thrilling.

It was breathtaking 30 years ago and I’m sure it’s even more so today.

I don’t know why, but cognac puts me out like a light, quicker than anything else.

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No Jet Lag does not put you to sleep, but if cognac works, keep doing it.

I’m headed to Key West in a bit. Any recommendations?

It’s been many, many years since I’ve been there, so I have no idea what’s there. But real key lime pie has a pastry crust, dammit!!!


I don’t travel as much as I used to, so my airline experiences are dated. But last week I had to take a quick trip up to Minnesota for a funeral, so I booked a round trip on Schieffer Family Airlines (aka Southwest) and wound up with 737 Max aircraft on both legs. I was pleasantly surprised by the legroom, which was far superior to what I was used to suffering through on American. And I have to say, the boarding process and the passengers on both legs were relatively civilized, and nobody was trying to drag steamer trunks on as carry-on baggage.

The one legged passengers not so much?


Yeah, they tend to get crotchety.

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Wouldn’t that be the middle leg?


I know SWA gets poo-pooed by some but, if you do not have any kind of frequent flyer status on the big airlines, SWA is a far better option, IMHO. They do have generous legroom, and the boarding process is much better because you don’t get stuffed into boarding group eleventy.

I used to be platinum level on Continental - which tells you how long ago that was - but it takes extraordinary circumstances to get me on United now that I have fallen to their untermensch level. But, really, any of the big carriers are an horrific experience for the casual passenger.

Get ready for hot you’ve never felt before.

Ricky’s Blue Heaven was fantastic last time I was there but that was 2000.

I would have thought just the opposite.

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This! My 1.5mm miles on United/Continental and 3.8mm on American keep me flying both periodically on direct flights, but the more I experience Southwest the less critical I am of their approach.

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The sea water temperature down there is close to 100℉. For reference, most hot tubs only go up to 100℉.