Travel 2024 and 2025

I probably haven’t been there in thirty years. My friends and i used to go regularly when we were out looking for things to do.

Anyone heard from @JohnS recently?

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I got out of it, thankfully, Limey.
They saw what a pathetic wretch I am to begin with, so they took pity on me and released me.
It was just really awkward what with the midget stripper, chinchilla, party favors and the tequila is all.

Don’t judge me,


That seems like a bunch of stuff you should have hidden under the mattress.


Well, in my defense, they came in unannounced.
I did have the Do Not Disturb door tag hanging!


Please do not disturb. I’m disturbed enough already.


You’re right, manners are key.

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Thinking about hitting up Vietnam later this year. Any tips or suggestions of where to go? Kind of leaning toward Hanoi over Ho Chi Minh.

The Hilton there usually has rooms and the rates are reasonable.

You jest but there actually are Hiltons there. So who really won the war? That’s what I thought. Checkmate Uncle Ho.

Just leaving this here:

Satan has not yet devised a punishment cruel enough for United.

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Airline travel is now like Greyhound in the 50s.

The Greyhound had legroom, something which no longer exists in coach on a passenger plane for anyone over 5’2".


Just faster. And less smoky.


Living on the road my friend, is gonna keep you free and clean

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Dark Brandon is having a go.

It’s worse elsewhere. I was looking at flying from Hawaii to Christmas Island on Fiji Airlines, and service is so bad that what should be a three hour flight takes 27.

The Fiji airlines flight used to be every other week. Don’t know if that’s still the case.

So if the weather’s bad, better luck next time.

The flats there are on my dream list. Seems the most likely way I’d ever get to see GTs.

They have a flight now once a week. We’re putting together a trip next year if you’re interested.

I flew Fiji Air round trip for my Harvest in Australia back in 2009. Flight down was uneventful. Had I been smarter and planned it better, could’ve probably parlayed my layover into a longer stay on the islands.

I’m certain the return flight was one of the upper circles of Hell or at least karmic retribution for some of the earlier indiscretions of my life. Computers in Suva went down, so everyone was rebooked on the connecting flight by hand in the order of their arrival at the ticket counter. For those of us unlucky bastards towards the back of the plane, we got to stay at the back of the plane regardless of what our tickets said (I was jammed into a middle row near the bulkhead). The AC was kaput for the entire flight, which I think was seven or eight hours, and folks were literally laying down in the aisles trying to get some respite from stale heat of the cabin. I’ve never been happier to get off a plane.