Travel 2024

I should have said whole number I think.

It was my understanding there would be no math.


A slew of top Boeing execs, including the CEO, have jumped (or been pushed) out of the open door of a 737 Max. Metaphorically speaking.

Don’t worry, they have golden parachutes.


If true, this seems bad.

You can’t actually be surprised by this. Any CEO of a Fortune 500 company (or just about any publicly traded one) would gladly approve tossing puppies off the tops of buildings if it improved their stock price.

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As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

[eta: yes, I know the wild ones can]


This one’s for Limey:


You’re welcome, world.

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I am putting this here because it has relevence to travel. Sorry to be a downer

I had a good friend in Tennessee who went on a trip with his wife and three other couples to St. Croix. The first day they were there the guys all went snorkling. By buddy started feeling bad so he told the other guys he was going in. When they got to shore, they found out he never made it. They later located his body. My buddy was 56 and one of the fittest individuals you will find and a strong swimmer. He was the last person you would expect this would happen to.

He died of Rapid Onset Pulminary Edema (ROPE).
This is a relatively recently identified phenomina and they don’t know why it happens but the current risk factors they identify are:
style and type of snorkle and face mask
recent air travel
heart issue (Left Ventricle End Diastolic Pressure).

The signs/stages of drowning by ROPE are: Sudden Shortness of Breath, Weakness, Loss of Strength, Confusion/Sense of Doom, Unconsciousness, Death. Few if any signs of distress. In other words you don’t aspirate water.

Sorry to be a downer but I had never heard of this before and I don’t want anyone else to learn about it the way my buddy’s family did.

If you snorkle - have a buddy with you. Snorkling alone isn’t safe.


New rules for airlines in the U.S. if your flight is cancelled or delayed (3 hours domestic, 6 hours international) or they lose your bag: full refund within 7 days.

Rule takes effect in 6 months. United bankrupt in 7.

Yall fly more than me, what are your experiences with American?

Experiencing it now. About like United.

Their companion status program is worse and so is their mileage ticket availability, but day-of-flight is about the same.

AA as the best mileage ticket benefits of all.

I hope you are being sarcastic. I switched to Continental with almost 3 million Advantage miles in the bank because it was so hard to use them. It took me a few years of near-continual international travel on CO/UA, occasionally getting an AA free flight, before I could work them off.

With UA’s race for the bottom I now split my domestic flights based on convenience. And less international travel allows me to choose better.

I know the situation in Newark, Philadelphia, Charlotte and DFW and it is not what you claim. The only time UA ever priced under AA was to Singapore last year. And AA are a dream for cancelling, etc, even on “nonrefundable” flights (if cash).

If I’m flying to Singapore, there is literally no way in hell I’m flying any U.S. airline.

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If you’re taking Singapore Air, you are truly missing out

I assume a “not” got left out of that. Singapore Airlines may be the single best airline in the world.


Cathay Pacific used to be better, but with the demise of Hong Kong, I am no longer sure. Thai is very good, too. I won’t argue with Singapore though. I did Houston-Moscow-Bangkok once and was very pleased.