Travel 2024

Go fuck.yourself.

Go away, crackpot. You have worn out your welcome.


What in the absolute fuck knuckles is this now?

Boeing accidentally overwrote the footage of the work performed on the faulty door blank that fell off.

WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) - The head of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said on Wednesday investigators still do not know who worked on a Boeing 737 MAX 9 door plug involved in a Jan. 5 Alaska Airlines midair emergency and that video footage was overwritten.

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said in a letter to senators that investigators sought security camera footage when the door plug was opened and closed in September but were informed the material was overwritten.

Surely someone at Boeing knows who worked on the door, right? If that’s the issue, it can’t be just down to security tapes. If it is, then WTF?

The NY Times is NY Timesing pretty hard here.


“Tricky” as in that delicate balance between how many people they can endanger/injure/kill before it affects their bottom line.


Seems like the passengers are the ones really facing that.

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Safety first.

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It’s a beautiful world
It’s a beautiful world
It’s a beautiful world (sternly)
For you
For you

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Sitting at HOU now, already an hour late. Maintenance says another 45 minutes. There’s a guy with a hammer and electric drill working on something on the plane. I hope he has a spare battery pack.

Maybe. It’s part of that “tricky” balance between safety and profit that Boeing grapples with.

It’s pretty obvious which side of that line they landed on.

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“Landed” is doing a lot of work there.


Like the pilots say, any landing you can cash in your stock options from…

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Add your total number of landings to your total number of takeoffs. Divide by two. You want your answer to be an even number.


So if I only take off once and then land ok, I’m in trouble?

You may want to check your math.

so you divide your total take-offs by your total landings, and want your answer to be 1? Asking for a friend.

or, if you divide your total of landings and take-offs by the number of take-offs, you want your answer to be 2? Same friend. He’s a lawyer.

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