Travel 2024

Just checked on hotels for 1/7 & 1/8 in Houston. $$$$ and cancel by tomorrow. And I still don’t have tickets to the game. I figure between the Horns and the Wolverines, one of my rooting interests (at least) will be there. And I can always sell tickets to someone from Alabama if necessary.

Woo! Just booked a trip with the wife to Tromso, Norway in early February. 220 miles north of the Arctic Circle in the heart of winter! So far, we’ll be: kayaking amongst the sea ice looking for walruses and orcas, taking a reindeer sleigh ride, attending a Sami (local indigenous culture) winter festival, going on two aurora borealis viewing excursions (which is great due to the sharp increase in geomagnetic activity from the sun) and a sauna/polar plunge/massage combo. I’m just a little excited.


Takes “I was in the pool!” to a whole nother level.

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That sounds incredible. You’ll need to tell us all about it.


I would love to see the northern lights but count me right out of the polar plunge. No sir.

I can see das at the Burlington airport checking in, Hey, where are you guys going, Cancun, great, You, Florida, nice, How about you, Oh we’re going to the Arctic Circle.

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Will there be snow? Because if yes, then the answer is “hell no!”

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Hey das! Challenge accepted?

This would have been my answer:


Wise words there from (checks notes) Dookie Lazer.


Shit Blaster was already taken.

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Heading to a river cruise on the Rhine to see the Christmas Markets followed by four days in Switzerland.


Which markets are you hitting?

Dusseldorf where we start. Cologne. Not remembering the other ports.

If you can get to Stutgart, it would be worth the detour.

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That looks like fun. A couple of notes though. Dude looks like he’s 200lbs+ and that looks like it’s around 40’ up so he was going between 35 and 40mph when he hits the water. Water at that speed is quite hard. Second, he goes in front first. I hope he was wearing a cup. Third, he curls the battle axes in under his body right before impact. So, he was not just impacting water at that speed, he was impacting a healthy water / battle ax mixture. Which leads to my last observation: the clip shows him entering the water. But, nothing after. There is a non-zero chance there was no “after” for this dude.

Edited to add, this is a fun calculator: The Splat Calculator - A Free Fall Calculator

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I recommend one for pretty much any activity.

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I know of a couple where it serves as more of an inconvenience than anything else really when you think about it.

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and you really don’t have to think about it.

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You can never be too careful in Norway.