Travel 2024

From the game


Looks like a great time. Must be tough to find good seats.

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There was a substantial campaign of these ads.


Fantastic!! Your seats are right by my friend’s. I abuse his hospitality from time to time when the Astros are in town - i.e. trade him some wine for his seats and parking pass.

And so sorry I missed you yesterday. Helped a friend move and was pretty wiped out when it was over.

Hope you’re enjoying SF!! Weather should be pretty effing great today.

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Just finished lunch at Tony’s pizza with Robert Ford. Fun times so far.


When you left, did he shout “SEE YOU LATER!”?



Damn it, gonna use that next times.


Can’t say I disagree.


So…ETIAS application? How quick is it? Guess I should have done that before buying airfare to Italy.

From what I understand you do it online and typically receive it in a matter of hours.

I disagree, that’s a lameass graph for simpletons.

They have Seville and Istanbul as meh at best, and that is inconsistent with my experience.

That’s good to know. I can typically get a business visa in a few days to most places (except Canada), but you never know. I’d better get on it.


I’ll be in NYC in a few weeks, and haven’t been in 6 years or so. What’s on your agenda?

I assume Barney Greengrass still there for breakfast? For some weird reason I just love that place.

Best meal I ever had there was in some hole in the wall Burmese restaurant around 70th and 3rd, I wish I remembered the name.

Agenda is Broadway shows. I will see eight. I have done most, if not all, of the touristy things so this trip is shows.

I went to the 9/11 Museum today and was blown away. That is a must see Museum.


Was just there last week. Good Night Oscar was very good. Some Like it Hot was also fantastic. We got $40 day-of-show tickets to that one by going to the box office at 10AM. 2nd row. Life of Pi was good, not great, but I think it closed last week anyway.

Edited to add: I didn’t see it on this trip, but The Book of Mormon is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in any format.

I bought my tickets weeks ago. Not seeing either of those. I picked from recommendations from a friend in the theater biz.

The 9/11 museum/memorial is an absolute must experience.

Was there in 2015 with my son’s high school choir. Very few kids had any memory of the day. The one who did had a dad in the military and they were stationed in Japan at the time. He remembers his father not being able to come home for a few days.

After the tour, they were asking all the adults what they remembered.