The sci-fi TV thread

Man, CBS is all in on filling the void left by the end of the Star Wars Skywalker saga (and with the very slow production of other storylines).

I would not be surprised if additional Trek movies will be the obvious outcome to tap into the unmet demand for high-quality space operas. They could make a mint if they do this right.

Hope not. When you get down to it, only 3-4 Trek movies are really worth a shit. Trek has always been better on TV.

Minus the TV part, the same is true for the Star Wars movies.

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You should watch some of the TV. The final 4 episodes of The Clone Wars were the best Star Wars movie since Empire.


II, IV, First Contact, and maybe VI. Yep, that checks out.

3 to 4 out of 13 isn’t bad for a movie franchise. If you subtract the crap that was never TV, you’re in Ted Williams territory.

ETA: especially considering that, with the possible exception of V, none of the others are full-on trash.

Hot take alert: I don’t put The Voyage Home in the top tier of Trek movies.

Good/Great: Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Trek 2009
Fine: Motion Picture, Voyage Home
Meh: Search for Spock, Generations, Insurrection, Beyond
Bad: Into Darkness
Full-on trash: The Final Frontier, Nemesis

Of which the last 2 episodes of this final season of Clone Wars might be my favorite Star Wars.

The 1st season of The Mandolarian was great soap opera. I just hated the 30 min episode length.

Looking forward to season two

Agree and disagree…

Amen and Absolution: Undiscovered Country, Trek 2009
+4 WAR: Voyage Home, Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan, Generations, Into Darkness
Meh: Search for Spock, First Contact
Phoning It In: Beyond
Dumpster Fire: Final Frontier, Nemesis, Insurrection

I preferred Into Darkness to Trek 2009 because it actually tried to tell a new story rather than “backstory” and endless series references. I liked the cast of the reboot series and just wish they could do more with it.

Say what now? Big picture, Into Darkness was little more than a Wrath of Khan remake. I won’t fault anyone for liking it, but no one can say that it was a new story.

Yes, I suppose you are right, but it seemed to have less jokey references than the 2009 one.

I hated every single moment of Into Darkness because I just knew, despite their protestations, it was going to be Khan

Reasonable people can disagree, but I don’t understand any way of saying Generations was better than First Contact…


JJ Abrams is fast earning a reputation for taking good stuff and turning it to shit.

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Abrams is nearly unparalleled for starting up or rebooting a project.

His only peers in writing endings are the GOT show runners.


David Benioff has never created good stuff. His adaptations have always been quite good, but most of his new stuff sucks.

That is a brilliant and accurate graphic.

In Benioff’s defense, I highly recommend his book City of Thieves. It’s a really good novel, focusing on two Russian youths arrested during the siege of Leningrad who are forced to find a dozen eggs in order to secure their freedom. Haven’t read anything else by him, but this was a well thought through story with great characters and an actual coherent ending.