Smart home getting dumber

At least it’s not August

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I am hoping that the lines haven’t been stapled inside the walls too, so I can at least use them to pull through new wire if needs be. Clambering to the far reaches of my attic is not an enticing prospect.

There was a buyer on the hook for this place before me, and they bitched about every little thing on the inspection report. Happily for me, they bitched themselves right out of a contract and I swooped in. One of the things they had the seller “fix”, though, was a perceived lack of insulation in the attic even though the inspection report said it was fine. The seller had about two feet of blown insulation added.

It looks like the aftermath of a major blizzard up there. You can’t see the rails for safe footholds and it’s all pretty cramped with near-zero walking boards laid down. I’m somewhat surprised that I haven’t yet put a foot through the ceiling or simply fallen straight out of there.

Sounds like my attic. I’ve been working up the gumption to finally run permanent ceiling drops for my APs and dedicated outlets for our bidets. At least it’ll be tolerable up there this week. Godspeed!

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My plan is to complete the last two wall terminations before setting about tracing the choke points. That way I’ll know the full extent of the problem, even though I fully expect them to be similarly hobbled like the other three.

Fun Fact: I have identified 5 termination points around the house for ethernet, but there are six cables terminating in the attic. I have no idea where that last one goes.

Like having left over parts, or back when I was removing underground storage tanks from gas stations…they sold three grades of gas, but there was only one tank in the ground.

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I don’t know about the rest a y’all but I cannot believe that in this day and age there are still some lunatics who don’t have dedicated outlets for their bidets. I swear, the class of people I associate with anymore.

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The idea of an electric toilet is just not appealing to me. At all.

An electric toilet that squirts warm water here and there and especially there is quite appealing, I assure you. Just make sure your outlets are properly grounded.

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I’m quite familiar with a bidet, just not the kind that requires 110v. I suppose latitude and the general temperature of your water supply are factors. Were I otherwise forced to install dedicated electric circuits for my toilets, I’d probably opt for a non-electric version and a hot-water loop, the latter of which I’m seriously contemplating in my master primary bathroom anyway.

And I thought you were a man of culture.

I’m analog in a digital world.

Enjoy your coal-fired bidets.


That would be a great band name.



Global … warming my ass.



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The Analog Kid - YouTube (with one of my favorite Alex Lifeson solos)

Marques Brownlee is confused by the new full-size HomePod.

Short version: it’s a perfectly decent-sounding speaker, but otherwise it has the same functionality as a HomePod Mini for $200 more. Also, the white one still leaves an instant ring stain on wood.

Somehow, I lost a bunch of accessories off one of my Aqara hubs. I was trying to delete a non-responsive light switch, and somehow lost entire rooms worth of Aqara accessories. Frustrating, and another demerit against Aqara light switches. The remedy was to hard reset the Aqara hub, and reattach all the accessories.

The process wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Adding accessories to the Aqara app is pretty quick and easy, and the accessories themselves remembered their names and locations from the previous set-up. With that done, I just had to fix a few automations and I was done.

One thing this allowed me to do was clean up some naming protocols. Aqara sensors tend to have more than one function and, when they are brought into HomeKit, they show up as multiple sensors. For example, motion sensors are also light meters and the air quality accessory is three sensors in one: temperature, humidity and VOC.

So now that I’ve done that, I have an inkling to nuke my entire smart home and build it again from scratch. Knowing what I know now, I will be able to make things much more organized and consistent.

As if I didn’t already have enough to do…