Why would he hesitate at all?
It wasn’t particularly deep.
Because no one was there as he tried to throw.
That’s my question. Worst case Bregman moves to 2nd.
No, I meant Tucker, and Mark answered me.
Ah gotcha.
This is pretty funny.
2 outs, runner on 1st for Pena. Swings at a pitch 6 inches inside, 0-1. Ball, outside. Nasty 2 seamer at the knees swung over it, strike 2. Takes a pitch 4 inches under the zone and called out. Fucking Junior Valentine is dumpster fire.
End 7 7-0 Astros
He’s WTF bad. It’s pretty incredible.
Top 8
Martinez in from the bully after a masterful 7 from Framber.
Peña swings at lots of pitches which are too far inside.
This HPU sucks
Martinez faces Semien. Ball 1 out. Ball 2 out. Strike 1, 2 inches below the zone. Ball 3, out. Swings through a fastball, 3-2. Way out, ball 4. Come on, Martinez.
Nobody out, Simien on first for Seager. Fouls one back, 0-1. Swings over a nasty 2 seamer around the shins, 0-2. Ball, low. Ugh, ripped between 1st and 2nd for a base hit.
1st and 2nd nobody out for Chapman huge swing fouled back, 0-1. Almost hit him and he fouled it off, 0-2. Hit a mile high, lands about 10 feet foul to the left of the LF foul pole. Way outside, 1-2. PONCHE on a 2 seamer on the inside corner that Chapman couldn’t catch up to. 1 out.
1st and 2nd, 1 out for Heim takes strike one. Low, ball one. Took a little off a 2 seamer just off the outside edge, strike 2. Foul down the 1b line. PONCHE on high heat! 2 outs!
1st and 2nd, two outs for Lowe. strike one. Ball two, inside. Inside again, ball 3. Lined in to RF for a single, one run scores. 1st and 3rd, 2 outs.
7-1 Astros
Visit to the mound slap Martinez around a bit.
1st and 3rd, two outs for Taveras, low, ball 1. Low and in, ball 2. Quit fucking around, Martinez. Not even CLOSE to the zone. 2-0 pitch. Just off the outside corner for strike 1. Meatball right down the pipe ripped to right, scores a run.
1st and 2nd, two outs.
7-2 Astros.
Auditioning for a trip to AAA to make room for LMJ.