Orioles @ Astros, June 21, 2024

Well, of course, I was just clarifying that I didn’t make it up.

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For a game that featured 32 hits, 25 runs, two errors, three pitch timer violations, eight pitching changes, one player injury delay, and one 20 minute change of umpires, I’m surprised it lasted under 3.5 hours.

Was going to post the same. I’d like to think/hope it’s nothing serious, but this is the 2024 Houston Astros.

Jesus titty-fucking Christ, how in the hell did the Houston Astros beisbol club win this thing?

I’m glad I was drinking whilst watching this W.

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We voted, and decided this only counts for half of a W

Was quorum even established?

Ok, fine.
Half W.

We’ll take it.

Is half a W a V or a U?

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Depends, how many drinks have we had?

Half of a double U. Or a single U. As in “U guys are gonna drive me to drinkin’”

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At least by getting a U, the Astros are guaranteed not to be swept.

Yep. HS sophomore that has a personal best 5K of 15:25 but ran a 16:36 yesterday with a taped up hammy. If she had run anywhere near her personal best from a few weeks ago, she’d be on the team. It’s just an amazing time for a female runner. It’ll be interesting to see how she transitions thru puberty. That transition from sophomore to junior is usually where these phenom girls (usually) flame out with less than 10% successfully making the transition to elite older female runner.

The world record pace for the marathon is 4m35s per mile. For 26 straight miles. Typically, an elite hight school track team has 2 guys that can break 4:30 per mile on the team. For one mile.

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I ran track and CC in HS and college. My CC team was out on a run and one of the runners got clipped by some yehaw in his truck. Door mirror caught him in the head and my buddy was out cold. We were around 2 miles from the school. The fastest route back took me up around the football stadium and by the field hockey practice field. The football team and girls field hockey team were completely used to seeing us CC runners running around but, apparently, I was running so fast that both the football coach and the field hockey coach radioed in so that the school athletic director was outside the school waiting for me and yelled at me “what’s wrong?!?!??!?!” as I approached. Never underestimate the power of adrenaline to inspire even a normal person to greatness.


I get it, build you told me the starter exited with injury I would have absolutely guaranteed a loss.

I’m sure Espada was thanking his lucky stars when he was gifted a 14-3 lead on the day when he most needed it. All the mopup guys had to do was not walk guys and give up homers.

For perspective, I was a distance runner in HS.

At one time I was ranked among the top 10 high school milers in Florida in 1988, but didn’t finish the year that high.

My best time was 4:24.

I was able to improve that to 4:16 in college before blowing out my knee my freshman year but 4:24 ( along with my 2 mile and cross country times) got me a scholarship.

I wasn’t mature enough to handle the injury and likely 12+ month rehab so I dropped out and started drinking, feeling sorry for myself but thats another story. I’m better now.


And they did enough. A win is a win especially this year and especially vs the Orioles.

Well, except for the whole using Abreu thing.

Dubon (!!!) and Cabbage walk…

Jacob Webb enters w/ a 1.85 ERA, leaves w/ 2.91 ERA…
O’s PB June ERA was 1.64
(Four batters later) Dillon Tate was 2.22, now 3.20