If Tucker is back and hitting, this lineup is a lot better.
Too bad we didn’t get an Aldegheri vs Arrighetti matchup. It would have been a festival of vowels.
So much for trying to bunt.
Well that rally fucking died in a hurry.
Astros put two runner on with no outs, four pitches later inning over.
Middle of three…4-0 Astros
Should have been bigger.
Yusei’s frustration pales next to mine.
Kikuchi welcomes the lead by walking the 8 and 9 hitters to leadoff the third
Kikuchi suddenly can’t find the plate with a map and a lantern.
Somebody needs to take a bag of frozen oranges out to the mound and get Kikuchi’s attention.
5-3 as runners move to 2B and 3B
4-3 as a run scores
Base hit makes it 4-2, TE7 moves runner to 2B
Inning over but the two leadoff walks score…imagine that…lead cut in half. 4-2 Astros
Diaz with a 1-out knock
Tucker carved up
Bregman called out on ball five.
Middle of four…4-2 Astros
4” off the plate. Ridiculous.
And it’s 4-3