The other thread seems to have turned a corner onto the topic of what dumbasses we all are, a subject I could likely warm to, but the activity is here currently so I’ll select this forum to say what people probably already know, which is that das is one of my favorite posters here, and I have immense respect for the way he leads his life. Which is one reason why I feel able to react in an unfiltered manner on occasion.
It occurred to me to mention this in part because I glanced down at my fore mentioned ergonomic mouse and discovered that it could use a serious cleaning, which reminded me of das’ keyboard. And today’s statle is Vermont, so I took all of that as a sign from the heavens. Anyway, Apple on.
Those at my company who use company-issued machines (i.e. not me) are supposed to leave them on overnight. What is frustrating, though, is that our virtual PCs all turn off. Anything you had on your desktop is gone and you wake up in a back-to-default-settings world every day.
Fun fact, insurance companies restrict how far out from renewal we are allowed to send our submission. So, if their cut off is 90 days in advance and you send a submission 91 days in advance, it gets memory-holed. Also, if they receive submissions on the same piece of business from more than one agent, they will (quite rightly) accept the first one in the door and reject the rest.
It behooves us, therefore, to send our submissions at 12:01am on the 90th day so that any potential or actual competing agent cannot beat you to the punch. We used to set our submissions for delayed send, but now our virtual PCs shut down at around 11pm every night and any delayed send emails just sit in the outbox until booting up the next morning.
All of us have lost opportunities / business because of this. The company knows about it - has for years since we all switched to virtual PCs (pre-pandemic) - and there is still no workaround other than to be awake at midnight to log in and open Outlook. Individually, these moments are relatively rare, but it’s ridiculous that this is the state of affairs in 2024.
I have no idea. We have about 11,000 employees which seems like a lot to be paying hourly for (but we are insurance people so paying by the hour seems appropriate).
The universal rule with cats is as soon as you even assume they won’t do something, even to yourself, they will then almost immediately do whatever it is.