College football 2024

yes more or less to all three.

We usually skied at Santa Fe, which is gentler, but skied out of Taos some. Taos is steep terrain, and can be icy. It’s beautiful though.

A long time ago I took a backpacking trip for few days at Los Alamos, at Bandelier National Monument. Unforgettable. Haven’t hiked much around Taos, but Bandelier is between Santa Fe and Taos. If you go there, make it to the stone lions.

I spent a week fishing around Taos a couple of years ago, which was the second time I’d fished out of Taos. It’s not great fishing, as compared to say Montana, but it’s quirky, and I think it’s pretty great. You have to plan to drive a bit out of Taos to actually fish, and the fish are likely to be tiny, but the Valle Vidal is one of the most beautiful spots on earth.

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A bit more. Taos is not a good food city.

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I’ve never been fishing there, but my buddy there mentioned that one of his new employees is a fishing guide as his off-season side gig, which prompted my question.

If anyone’s visiting there and is interested in skiing or rafting, let me know.

This is bizarre, you’d think one of the first questions asked by somebody before this was implemented would have been “how secure is it?”

I’m planning a trip to Santa Fe in Feb or March. Probably wont make it up to Taos but might for a day trip.

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Multi billion dollar industy folks

Run by yokels and meatheads.

Color me completely unsurprised.

To quote someone I read recently: “just because your phone uses GPS satellites to help you navigate roadways does not make you an expert in GPS satellites”. And just because you talk to your QB over a wireless system purchased after undoubtedly being wined and dined by the seller doesn’t make you an expert in wireless communications.


Fuck around, find out.


I can’t keep any of those less prominent Florida schools straight.

Even in that brief paragraph I lose track of who did what.

Florida, Florida State, and Miami are all my brain handle.

Yeah, I keep forgetting that Central Florida is in the Big12

FAU. Where formerly relevant coaches go to fade away.

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Get your shit together, Buckeyes

Also, why is Oklahoma playing Maine in November?

Or: don’t. I’d love to see this spending spree bomb out.

You’re not wrong, but Fuck Penn State

This is where I keep landing.

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I’d rather they didn’t

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Auburn played Florida Atlantic in Baskeball exhibition last night. It was reported by one of the reporters that they don’t want to be known as FAU any more. They want to be called Florida Atlantic to make it easier to distingish them from nearby FIU and USF.

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