Astros @ Mets, 6/30/2024

Fair/foul in the infield is not reviewable. And a HBP is reviewable, a ball hitting the bat is not.

As you said, absurd. I’ll add my own voice to it, it’s fucking absurd.

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Theoretically, a batter can line one into the stands, it bounce back onto the field and the umpire call it fair. That’s not reviewable.

That’s little roller up the 1B line…umpire can rule it fair and it’s not reviewable.

I can understand them not wanting every aspect of the game subject to review but some common sense needs to rule here.

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Abreu in, walks the leadoff hitter.

Everything should be. There is no reason that any call on the field is not reviewable.

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I get judgement calls not always being reviewable but something like that that can be clearly seen with 1 replay? Nah that’s dumb as hell. And now you’ve ejected a guy because you weren’t paying attention to the game


Even if you don’t want everything to be challengeable, at least give the crew chief the ability to have it looked at.

Nothing is more of a judgement call than out/safe, and those are reviewable. There is no excuse for any call not being.


From the same crew that brought you yesterday’s “was that ball 3 or ball 4?” dilemma.

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Way to stick with it, Jake.

Damn Aperol goes down easy.

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And we’re tied

A fucking 0-2 pitch right down the fucking middle.

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The biggest problem was Abreu yet again walking the leadoff hitter.

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That was always going to happen after getting absolutely fucked in the top of the inning

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Followed by a 4-pitch walk.

If they let him pitch more than an inning every two weeks, he might be a little sharper.