Astros Front Office Changes

Excellent summary.

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I’m open to the idea that Maldonado is providing value that just can’t be quantified. It’s also possible that at this point he’s a security blanket that the pitching staff doesn’t need, even if they’re afraid to let go. Everyone on this staff has had success pitching to other catchers before. It’s just hard for me to believe Maldonado’s intangibles at that special, even accepting they do add something important.

He can learn / learn from Maldonado’s nearly maniacal preparations before and during games.


Maldy needs to be dishing wisdom from a coaching position. Any team could benefit from him working in that capacity. As a player, time has passed him by.


It’s the game planning that I thought Maldonado could continue to help Diaz with for another year. If you believe Diaz has already learned all he can from him, fair enough.

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I just watched the press conference and a few things really stood out and gave some clues to what Dana Brown expects to change and probably made sure of before hiring Espada.

Joe, “I will play the best players.”

Dana, " I think the most important quality of a leader is humility."

Both of those statements point to specific and targeted changes to come in 2024.


I have no idea if that’s true or not. But if it’s not, then as Sphinx said, offer Maldonado a spot on the coaching staff, or just have the two work out some private coaching arrangement. Don’t burn a spot on the 26-man or use CBT space for something that another experienced catcher could probably do almost as well while also contributing more on the field.

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Good stuff from Joe on MLB Network


Joe’s daughters weigh-in on their dad’s new job.


You said it before I could. Preparation is what Diaz needs help with.

This is the part I disagree with.

Both are subtle middle fingers to Dusty’s whining as he left.


Not especially subtle.

That’s fair. I guess what the Astros have to figure out is, do the Astros need Diaz to have Maldonado-esque game prep, and if so, what is it worth to them? If the answer to the first question is yes, I hope the second answer is something less than a roster spot.

I was hoping for bench coach and agree not a roster spot unless his appearances are limited.


Even limited appearances take up a valuable roster spot.

If it’s standard run of the mill backup catcher or Maldy that is bought in to being a backup, give me Maldy. But he has to accept that he is a backup at this point in his career, otherwise I move on.

And the fans and the media and the pitchers all need to accept it.

Otherwise some or all of those groups will be clamoring for Maldy to start whever the team has a 2-3 game streak of giving up 6+ runs

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I just think Maldy’s time as an Astro player is done.

And we thank him for his service.


Pitchers give up runs, not catchers. A veteran pitcher calls his own game. Maldy’s contribution is his superlative preparation to help the pitchers develop a game plan. This is where Diaz is deficient.

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