Astros @ Blue Jays, Independence Day 2024


When is South Africa day?

What? Why? He did not stay on the bag. He was very out. You mean that should not be reviewed?

I think it should be treated like the neighborhood call on double plays (which also has not survived replay), but yeah the rulebook says that’s an out.

So all you have to do is beat the ball, and coming off the bag does not matter?

Within reason, yeah. Part of a well executed slide is staying on the bag but a few millimeters shouldn’t really matter when the player doesn’t actually lose the immediate area of the bag.

Like Bench said, I think the neighborhood rule should be in effect. A momentary coming off the bag only from momentum would be an understandable safe call to me. I realize its an impossible thing to add to the rulebook because it becomes judgement rather than black and white.

I just hate that you do what you are trying to do, you got the bag and came off for a single camera frame and you’re out. By the letter, you’re out and thats fine. I just don’t like it. And yes it should be reviewable, the rule is the rule. All rules should be reviewable.

O. M.G. No.

So you hit a HR, all you have to is step in “the immediate area of the bag?” You do not have to actually touch it?

I did not like the neighborhood play either. Those bases are out there for a reason.

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Theres absolutely a difference between missing a bag entirely and coming off the bag for millisecond

Neighborhood play?

You cannot come off the bag at all! You are going to time his being off the bag? What is too long?

Like I said, I understand why it’s not a thing. I just don’t like it. That feels like a play that doesn’t necessarily need to be fixed.

So, flip the situation.

Guys slides in safe but comes just a touch off the bag and the umpire calls him out.

They should review it and determine if it was close enough for him to be safe?

In the fantasy world I’m describing, it’s not an issue of missing the bag it’s coming off of it for an instant when completing an already-safe slide with a lack of continuous contact that’s pretty much invisible to the naked eye.

They’re an important part of the game!

…and they’re huge now.

You could word it in a where you can momentarily come off the bag if you

  1. Are in the process of making a legal slide

  2. Have already established being safe prior to coming off the bag

  3. A bodypart must be directly above the bag

  4. An immediate attempt to regain the bag must be being made as contact is lost

  5. A slide past the bag nullifies rules 1-4

This would be no more difficult to review than anything else, catchers interference for one since nobody understands that rule.

Again, I’m fine with it being the rule, I understand why it’s the rule. I just don’t like the rule.


I don’t like microtagging either.

Overall a small price to pay for replay I guess.

And therein lies my point. All of this instead of just saying “Hey, don’t lose contact with the bag, dicknuts.”

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I like big bases and I cannot lie.


I think it’s important to stay on the bag, other than 1st. The neighborhood play seemed as if it was there for safety.

Bahamas are the 7th