I haven’t had the sound on for either game, but in general I don’t dislike Michael Kay. Not sure who is paired with him.
Good job, Hunter.
Have good at bats this inning and score some runs, Astros!
He’s actually telling us Carpenter struck out in the 6th inning
Todd Frazier and Tim Kurkjian.
Sorry…I’ll try to build in the old DirecTV delay.
Tim Kurkjian? And Dennis somebody I think.
Yep, Todd Frazier.
Just pause it for a couple of minutes
McCormick grounds out 6-3
Todd Frazier also does color analysis for the Yankees so we get their announcer team.
Kurkijan is a dipshit. Don’t know much about Frazier.
I’m pretty sure it’s Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys.
Wasn’t Frazier the guy that Verlander broke with a curve ball?
Altuve caught looking
And that’s all for Hanifee. Another lefty in to face Tucker. Hurter is his name.
Glad to see the gang learned absolutely jack shit from the game yesterday and are still just flailing away at balls while taking pitches in the zone.
Hinch is gonna fucking manage circles around Espada. More than he already has.
Not disagreeing, but Espada isn’t taking at bats for the Astros.
One run in 11 2/3 innings isn’t going to win games.
Tucker walks
Ok, Yordan. Hurt Hurter.