Meadows grounds into 4-6 FC, Pérez to 3B
Jesus Fucking Christ, Framber. Just get it NEAR the fucking zone.
Rogers singles to CF, Pérez scores
That’s all they can get
Game over.
Framber fucking around and eventually had to throw one in the zone.
So fucking frustrating.
Sweeney singles to CF, Meadows scores, Rogers to 3B
And that should do it. Framber is toast.
As calm as he looked after the first inning dp I was hopeful, but this is the Framber I remember from the playoffs last year.
Framber’s head is completely gone. He is so fucking mentally fragile.
Game overer.
Why the fuck does Framber suck so much in the postseason?
Can’t find the zone with anything but his fastball this inning and when he does it’s fat.
After the first rbi, he missed 6 inches under the zone and was shaking his head like he got squeezed, then threw on right down center square.
Vierling singles to CF, Rogers scores
He has no clue where his curve is going.
Got get him out
Absolutely zero control of anything but the fastball. And they’re just sitting back and waiting for one.
Fucking hell Framber